Take Control of Pricing

eBook: 5 Simple Best Practices to Take Back Control of Your Pricing

Every business knows the goal is to charge the maximum price the customer is willing to pay, while simultaneously minimizing the cost incurred to deliver and produce their products.

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Every business knows the goal is to charge the maximum price the customer is willing to pay, while simultaneously minimizing the cost incurred to deliver and produce their products.

Making that maximized margin a reality? That’s an entirely different story.

In this white paper, discover the five simple steps that are crucial to systematically optimizing your margins and managing implementation of these strategies to maximize your profit.


  • How to leverage current best practices that fit your organization’s needs
  • How to select the right tool for your pricing guidance transition
  • Learn to interpret and understand price information to make educated decisions
  • Best practices for naming convention development across your organization
  • How to leverage technology to identify opportunities and risks in customer behavior