What is Sales Enablement?

Sales enablement is a strategy aimed at improving the productivity of a sales team, and therefore boosting profitability for a company. 

The idea is relatively simple. It revolves around equipping sales teams with everything they need to do their jobs as efficiently and effectively as they possibly can. This might include providing teams with access to sales enablement software, as well as other content and resources that have been designed to help them navigate challenges and close deals. 

In executional reality, it can get more complicated, of course. But businesses that focus on sales enablement invariably have more productive sales teams and are able to reach their true potential much faster than those that don’t. Let’s dig into more about sales enablement and how it works. 

Sales Enablement Defined

Sales enablement brings the work of sales and marketing teams together to ensure that both departments are as productive as they can possibly be. Companies accomplish that by equipping their sales and marketing teams with all the resources they might need to work harmoniously. This enables them to recognize new opportunities and work in a more dynamic and flexible way. 

The ultimate goal of sales enablement strategies? Empowering a collection of teams that work in perfect unison, reaching ever-improving sales targets and customer retention goals, while also facilitating rapid expansion into new markets and paving the way for growth.

Sales enablement strategies also focus on the customer experience and look for ways to make improvements here. Successful strategies provide teams with all they need to identify any room for improvement and make customer-centric changes quickly when they do so. Ultimately, this allows companies to provide a standout customer experience that just keeps getting better. 

Why is Sales Enablement Important to Organizations? 

All organizations need to think carefully about sales enablement. No matter how large or small a business is, it should always be striving to improve the experience it offers. And sales enablement is the perfect way of doing so. 

By equipping teams with better resources and sales-focused software, companies can start to make dramatic improvements to their customer experience, for the benefit of customers and the company as a whole. If businesses are going to effectively compete in a sales environment that’s more complex and challenging than ever, it’s vital that they never stand still where sales enablement is concerned. 

Discover 5 best practices to improve your B2B roadmap for sales enablement

When is Sales Enablement Necessary?

With increasing numbers of companies starting to explore sales enablement in more detail, it’s only a matter of time before such practices are vital if a company is to stay ahead of its competitors. 

Today’s companies need to embrace the capabilities of sales enablement software and resource to guarnatee they’re well-positioned to compete, no matter what other businesses start to offer. Whether a company needs to improve profitability, ramp up customer retention figures or attract new demographics, sales enablement is key. 

Components of an Effective Sales Enablement Strategy

The most effective sales enablement strategies bring together a handful of different components, making the most of a whole range of intelligent sales enablement opportunities. Take a look at some of the most important ideas behind top sales enablement strategies to learn more about how they work. 

Sales Enablement Tools and Automation

Sales enablement software and quote automation have meant rapid advancements in the capabilities of these strategies. The manual sales processes of years gone by are now a distant memory, and companies are embracing sales technology in greater numbers than ever before. Many processes that would typically have been done manually can now be automated, freeing up time for sales teams while simultaneously improving the customer experience. 

Standardized Reporting and Access to Analytics

Data provides endless opportunities for sales teams to explore, but it’s useless until it’s all brought together. An effective sales enablement strategy will focus on standardized reporting and provide all team members with easy access to analytical tools. This enables sales teams to view and examine data in real-time, going on to make informed changes based on the figures they see before them. 

Organized Sales Content 

Sales enablement strategies should also include a focus on content. Relevant sales content should be fully optimized, and audits should be conducted regularly to check for any new opportunities to improve. Strategies should also bring content together in a centralized location, ensuring that all team members have access to the sales content they need to close deals quickly and effectively. 

Sales Enablement Software

Sales enablement software seamlessly integrates into existing systems, to facilitate smoother sales processes and improve efficiency. Equip your sales team with tailored sales enablement software and you’ll be amazed at the results. 

Sales intelligence is a key component of sales enablement. So sales intelligence solutions from Vendavo offer everything teams need to do their jobs more effectively, from price optimization and guided selling solutions to pricing analytics for accelerating sales approval. These solutions can help to generate dynamic proposals, increase win rates, and improve profitability. Ready to find out more? Get in touch with our team to arrange a demo.