Execute straightforward, scalable price management across your organization
Proactively design and manage your rebate programs across channels
Quote complex products faster
Create bespoke pricing solutions for complex negotiated frameworks.
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Give sales AI-powered cross-sell recommendations
Realize greater profitability, gain a competitive edge, and win more deals
Identify price and profit opportunities for any way you slice your business
Comprehensive price-volume-mix analysis across all your business dimensions
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In his article “When Cost-Plus Pricing is a Good Idea” Utpal Dholakia, Professor of…
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Digitalization of the commercial function requires a significant investment in commercial intelligence. What is…
Vendavo, a leading provider of commercial excellence solutions, today announced it has launched a…
As I outlined in previous posts, everything is going digital and there are certain steps you can…
To support Vendavo users in learning the newest solutions available to them within the…
Today, a growing number of companies are focusing on pricing processes and capabilities to…
Everything is going digital. Some describe digitalization as a tsunami — I call it…
If you’re a Vendavo user and feel compelled to grow your bottom line through…
To grow business, large volume commodity suppliers — including steel manufacturers, agricultural trading companies,…