B2B Sales Teams at Risk!


Pricing is a Team Sport

You may be ready to lead your company to its next big win, but do you have a plan to get there? 

Download Your Free eBook

What You’ll Learn

Uncover how to make pricing delegation a workable reality within your enterprise.

When it comes to pricing at a B2B company, forging ahead as a lone wolf could work, but trying to dribble the ball down the field without a well-orchestrated game plan will probably end in disaster. Your colleagues are all part of your team for a reason. Pass the ball!  

Pricing, just like other disciplines of business, is a team sport.  In this expert white paper by Jared Smith, learn how pricing delegation via digital transformation can lead you to better pricing performance. 

Key Insights: 

  • The role of technology in improving pricing performance. 
  • Real-world examples of digital transformation journeys.
  • Actionable frameworks for making pricing delegation a reality within your organization.