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Vendavo Lösungen für Preisgestaltung und Verkauf

Leistungsstarke Cloud-basierte, KI-gestützte Tools, die Wachstum und Rentabilität freisetzen und Sie bei der wirtschaftlichen Transformation unterstützen.

Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden die richtigen Produkte, zum richtigen Preis, zur richtigen Zeit

Menschliches Fachwissen + KI

Vendavo verbindet fundiertes menschliches Fachwissen mit fortschrittlicher künstlicher Intelligenz, einzigartiger Datenanalyse und Data Science, um die umfassendsten Preis- und Verkaufslösungen auf dem Markt anzubieten. Unsere Lösungen modernisieren Ihr Middle Office für den digitalen Vertrieb und den traditionellen Handel und versetzen Sie in die Lage, ein detailliertes Verständnis der einzelnen Kunden zu erlangen, so dass Sie die richtigen Produkte zum richtigen Zeitpunkt zu den richtigen Preisen identifizieren und anbieten können, und zwar durch ein verbraucherähnliches Geschäftserlebnis.

Entdecken Sie die vollständige Plattform für Wachstum und Rentabilität

Empower sellers, partners, and buyers to more effectively do their jobs, and transact digitally in a frictionless experience.

Vendavo Intelligent CPQ

Increase sales productivity and win rates while delivering an improved customer experience.

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Maximize growth, revenue, and margins by leveraging advanced AI and machine learning alongside unique human expertise to create and deliver actionable insights.

Margin Bridge Analyzer

Provide your finance, accounting, and management teams with impactful, easy-to-use insights with powerful price-volume-mix analysis.

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Profit Analyzer

Identify margin, price, and profit opportunities for any aspect of your business.

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Business Risk & Sales Alerts

Arm your sales team with insights for increasing customer satisfaction and reducing customer defection.

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Vendavo Sales Optimizer

Sell more by using data analytics to recommend the right products for each customer.

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Deal Price Optimizer

Become more profitable, gain a competitive edge, and win more deals with pricing guidance.

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Deploy your pricing strategies, execute on your tactics, and do it all with agility. 

Vendavo Pricepoint

Power the shift to digital commerce with a dynamic pricing and price management solution.

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Rebate & Channel Manager

Manage channel rebates and incentives with ease from setup through accruals and payments.

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Stehen Sie vor einer dieser allgemeinen Herausforderungen?

Unternehmenskomplexität minimiert die Effizienz und Rentabilität

Wenn es Ihnen wie unseren Kunden geht, ist Ihr Geschäft komplex und wird jeden Tag komplexer. Sie haben ein komplexes Portfolio von Produkten, Dienstleistungen, Vertriebskanälen, Kunden und komplexen Preisvereinbarungen. Sie bedienen mehrere Regionen und mehrere Käufer sind am Kaufprozess beteiligt.

Die Komplexität nimmt zu. Aber es ist noch nicht alles verloren. Sie brauchen eine skalierbare Lösung für die Preisgestaltung, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, die Konsistenz zu vereinfachen und zu priorisieren.

Vendavo-Lösungen sind fit für diese Herausforderung

Hilfreiche Vendavo-Ressourcen zur Bewältigung der Komplexität

Overwhelmed Sales Teams

Are your sales teams getting burned out or overwhelmed? Are high turnover rates impacting your ability to meet your revenue goals? This is all too familiar for sales teams. A lack of training, tools, and inability to access the right information can cause major stress.

Empowering your sales teams with the right tools and insights will help you capitalize on sales momentum and give your sellers the ability to focus on adding more value for your customers.

Vendavo Solutions Fit For This Challenge

Helpful Vendavo Resources for Sales Teams

Trouble Understanding Revenue, Margins, and Profit

In today’s volatile market, the pressure is on to do more with less. Limited time, budget, and resources makes it hard to dedicate time to understanding when, how, and why revenue, margin, and profit are changing over time.

A centralized solution that controls and manages pricing and quoting will help you ensure you’re consistently gaining an understanding of your organization’s financial health.

Vendavo Solutions Fit For This Challenge

Helpful Vendavo Resources

People, Process, and Technology Silos

When your people, processes, and technologies are siloed it can feel like everyone is running 100 miles a minute in different directions. This can result in a lack of confidence in pricing, redundant work efforts, and disparate data sources.

It’s time to lead cross-functional alignment and champion change in your organization. Success requires total alignment of people, processes, and technologies.

Vendavo Solutions Fit For This Challenge

Helpful Vendavo Resources for Silos

Volatile Market Conditions are Causing Uncertainty

Change is the only constant. Market conditions are rapidly shifting. Economic factors, heighted competition, shifting internal business priorities, and other pressures are causing uncertainty and loss of control. Agility is the only way forward.

If you’re ready to future-proof your organization, Vendavo can help you control, measure, manage, and optimize your pricing processes.

Vendavo Solutions Fit For This Challenge

Helpful Vendavo Resources for Volatility

Current Solutions Are Not Sufficient

So, your current technology solutions just aren’t cutting it anymore? ERPs and CRMs serve an important purpose in business, but they’re too limiting to manage comprehensive pricing strategies.

Move your pricing strategy from archaic spreadsheets to Vendavo’s full scale pricing and selling solutions.

Vendavo Solutions Fit For This Challenge

Helpful Vendavo Resources for New Solutions

The Value of Pricing is Not Understood

The truth is, it’s often difficult to justify the initial and ongoing costs of pricing transformation. Many B2B organizations just aren’t ready to prioritize transformation or invest in pricing technology.

Vendavo is here to help guide you through building a business case, gaining buy-in, accelerating time-to-value, and proving return on investment to your team.

Vendavo Solutions Fit For This Challenge

Helpful Vendavo Resources for New Solutions

Customers Are Demanding More

Today’s B2B buyers expect the same easy, intuitive, seamless experiences in their professional lives as they have in their personal lives. Customer expectations are at an all-time high. They want more personalization, more tailored offerings, and deeper understanding.

Vendavo will help you gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ behaviors, attitudes, and needs so you can deliver the right prices and better experiences.

Vendavo Solutions Fit For This Challenge

Helpful Vendavo Resources for Serving Customers


Durchschnittliche zusätzliche Rendite, die von Kunden erzielt wird, die die Vorteile der Value Acceleration nutzen

Von den Experten respektiert

Führende Analysten haben Vendavo für die Stärke unserer Produkte ausgezeichnet.


In Configure, Price and Quote Application Suites


In B2B Price Optimization and Management Applications

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